Adult Residential Work Release
Whitley County Adult Residential Work Release is a program that provides a sentencing alternative for adult non-violent offenders. It allows offenders the opportunity to address criminogenic needs, maintain employment, and transition back into the community. Individualized case plans are established and monitored to address barriers that contribute to recidivism and to assure compliance with Court orders.
Many programs and services are offered within the facility. Offenders are required to maintain employment, participate in programming, and comply with case plan. Offenders reside in the facility, leaving only for work, programming, and approved passes. While outside of the facility, the offenders activities are monitored by field officers. Structure and accountability are primary components of the program and necessary to facilitate participant change.
Administrator: Vicki Burney
Senior Shift Supervisor: Tyler Fulkerson
Case Managers: Katee McBride and Karah Gist
Application Process:
Prior to being admitted to the Work Release Program your application will need to be screened and pre-approved by the Whitley County Community Corrections Screening Committee. Your application will NOT be screened until you have submitted all required documents.
When you have completed your steps your application will be forwarded to the Screening Committee. The Committee meets weekly to screen applicants. It is important that your application is screened PRIOR to your court date. Failure to complete your steps in a timely manner may hinder or prevent your ability to have your application screened prior to court. Upon acceptance or denial the Work Release Staff will file the outcome with the court.
Applicants must submit the following:
- Completed Work Release Application
- Completed Employer notification/agreement form
- Completed Release of Information
- A recent Pay Stub
Admissions Criteria:
- Mental/physical health must allow for the participant to function within the Work Release Program and maintain full time employment.
- Must have been convicted of a crime in adult court and/or found in contempt of court.
Have no convictions (unless waived by the Court) for a “crime of violence” as defined by IC 35-50-1-2:
Murder~, Attempted Murder~, Voluntary Manslaughter~, Involuntary Manslaughter~, Reckless Homicide~, Aggravated Battery~, Kidnapping~, Robbery~, Burglary~, Operating a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated Causing Death~, Operating a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated Causing Serious Bodily Injury to Another Person~, Child Exploitation~, Resisting Law Enforcement as a Felony~, and Unlawful Possession of a Firearm By a Serious Violent Offender.
- Have no Escape Convictions, unless waived by the sentencing Judge.
- Have no convictions for Sex Crimes as defined by IC 35-42-4 et. seq.
- If applicant has been convicted of a Drug Dealing/Manufacturing Offense, he/she will only be eligible for consideration after one-quarter of his/her executed sentence is served unless waived by sentencing Judge.
- Have no holds in Whitley County or any other jurisdiction willing to extradite.
- Have employment approved by the Whitley County Work Release Administrator.
Participants will be responsible for paying all fees weekly with cash or a money order payable to Whitley County Community Corrections.
If a Participant is released unsuccessfully overpayment of fees are non-refundable. If a Participant’s sentence is modified overpayments will first be applied to other open accounts and remaining balance will be returned to the Participant.
Conduct Adjustment Board / Screening Committee meet every Thursday (except for Holidays)
Participant Living Quarters
Dining Room

Whitley County Work Release will follow the Indiana Department of Corrections Sexual Assault Prevention, Investigation, Victim Support and Reporting Policy; 02-01-115.
Zero Tolerance:
We are committed to zero tolerance for sexual conduct between staff, volunteers, visitors, or participants whether committed by staff, volunteers, contractors, visitors, or other participants. Brochures will be accessible to, and posters will be visible by all persons in the facility.
Duty to Report:
All staff, contractors and volunteers have a duty to report all allegations or knowledge of actual or threatened sexual abuse, harassment or sexual conduct taken place within Whitley County Community Corrections.
Staff Orientation and Training:
New employee orientation and annual in-service training will be required for all staff. Brochures and posters will be made available to support training received. All staff will be aware of zero tolerance, duty to report, and that staff found to have engaged in any form of sexual conduct with a participant is subject to criminal prosecution. Orientation/training will also include detecting and preventing sexual conduct and signs of sexual conduct.
Volunteers, Interns, Contractors and Visitors:
Those having contact with participants will receive the same training and brochure provided to staff. Visitors will receive information regarding zero tolerance, detection, reporting and sanctions when signing in the facility.
P.R.E.A. Coordinator:
Responsible for all aspects of ensuring Facility procedures and staff are in compliance with PREA Policy.
P.R.E.A. Committee:
P.R.E.A. Coordinator will chair the committee. Work Release Administrator, a Case Manager and a Shift Supervisor will participate as committee members. The committee will meet monthly; minutes of each meeting will be maintained by P.R.E.A. Coordinator.
Sexual Assault Response Team (S.A.R.T.):
A Sexual Assault Response Team provides a coordinated, efficient and supportive response to victims. Whitley County Community Corrections will establish a S.A.R.T. along with alternate members for each position.
At intake participants will receive information regarding zero tolerance, prevention and intervention, self-protection, reporting, treatment and sanctions both verbally and in writing. Participants will sign a receipt of P.R.E.A. information to be filed with their intake packet. P.R.E.A. information will also be included in the participants program Handbooks.
As part of the intake process all participants will be screened utilizing the gender specific "Sexual Violence Assessment Tool". Those determined "Aggressor Highly Likely" will be assigned appropriate housing.
Facility Prevention:
All prevention activities will be reviewed, assessed for adjustment and documented no less than annually.
§ Senior Shift Supervisor and Work Release Administrator shall conduct and document unannounced rounds to identify and deter staff sexual harassment and/or abuse.
§ P.R.E.A. Coordinator and Work Release Administrator will tour the facility quarterly to identify areas that may require additional electronic or staff monitoring to prevent sexual contact.
§ A staffing plan that provides adequate coverage to provide safety for staff, participants and the public will be maintained. Administrative staff will review staffing levels/coverage needs at least annually.
Cross Gender Viewing and Search Limits:
To make Participants aware that a staff of the opposite sex is present, all staff will do a complete facility walk through at the start of each shift. They will announce they are on duty and specify the length of their shift. Pat downs/frisk searches of Participants will only be conducted by same sex Staff. Whitley County Work Release does not authorize strip searches.
Participants are required to be fully dressed when in common areas. They are only allowed to be undressed in the bathroom; there is no video monitoring of the bathrooms.
Reporting Sexual Conduct:
Participants may report sexual conduct to any staff person. If a Participant requests a specific staff person to report allegations; the staff person requested will respond.
All staff, volunteers and contractors have a duty to report if they have reason to believe actual or threatened sexual conduct has occurred. Reports will be made to the P.R.E.A. Coordinator and/or Work Release Administrator privately. Reporting staff shall not discuss the allegations with anyone other than the P.RE.A. Coordinator and/or Work Release Administrator.
Upon receipt of a report of actual or threatened sexual conduct The P.R.E.A. Coordinator and/or Work Release Administrator will immediately ensure the safety of the alleged victim.
Investigation of Sexual Conduct:
Investigations of sexual conduct in the facility will be forwarded to local Law Enforcement. P.R.E.A. Coordinator and Work Release Administrator will work cooperatively with local Police.
Medical and Mental Health Services:
When there is an allegation of actual sexual conduct the victim will be referred to medical and mental health services at no cost. Victims have the right to refuse medical/mental health services after being informed of the confidentiality and potential value of the services. To refuse services they must sign a refusal and release of responsibility for medical/mental health treatment.
Victim Support:
Victims will be provided access to community based victim advocates for support related to sexual abuse.
Statistical Reporting:
The P.R.E.A. Coordinator will maintain records of all reports of sexual conduct at the facility and comply with all State and Federal reporting requirements.
Program Evaluation:
Annually, P.R.E.A. Coordinator and Work Release Administrator will evaluate the efforts to eliminate sexual conduct in the facility and ensure compliance with administrative procedures. Evaluation reports will include a comparison of the current year's data and corrective actions with those from prior years and provide an assessment of the facility's progress in addressing sexual conduct.
P.R.E.A. Hotline:
Local - 260-244-2369
Toll Free - 1-855-315-0311
Whitley County Sexual Misconduct / Prison Rape Elimination Act Reporting Hotline.
Reporting parties should be aware of the following:
§ All allegations will be investigated
§ The allegation will be discussed with the named victim
§ The allegation will be disclosed only to those who need to know to ensure victim safety and to investigate the allegation.
When reporting incidents of sexual misconduct or assault please include the following information:
§ Date and location of assault
§ Names of the Victim, Suspects and witnesses
§ Any other information that may assist in the investigation process
If we may contact you for further information please leave your name and phone number. Any further questions please contact:
· Work Release Administrator / P.R.E.A. Coordinator
- Phone: 244-2313
- Email: [email protected]
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Contact Us
Columbia City, IN 46725
- Business: (260) 244-2313
- Business Fax:
(260) 244-2318 - Staff Directory