Churubusco Comprehensive Plan

The Comprehensive Plan establishes goals, policies, and recommendations for development in the jurisdictional area of the governmental unit. Both public and private sector decisions affecting the location, design, and quality of development are guided by this Plan.

The primary intent of the Comprehensive Plan is to create a safe and harmonious environment for residents of the jurisdiction. The Plan is designed to:

  • Optimize the potential for future orderly growth,
  • Avoid land use conflicts,
  • Protect the environment,
  • Minimize traffic congestion,
  • Locate community facilities where people can best use them.

Community land use plans represent the preferences of the local populace and express how and where development should occur. Good planning recognizes the need to balance the demands of growth with the need to maintain existing development while protecting the environment and overall quality of life. Advanced preparation facilitates orderly development patterns that maximize opportunities for choice while reflecting the wise expenditure of limited public funds and resources. Towards these ends, community plans establish general guidelines for development.

To view the Plan, click here: Churubusco Comprehensive Plan (2014)